Saturday, June 27, 2009

Well, Suzie's been home for almost a month and her recovery is well underway. She now walks without the use of a walker and her energy level is high. She's managed to sew a pair of curtains for Lisa, continues working on her quilting projects and has been quite busy preparing for a visit from our son, daughter and grandchildren as well as all 16 members of her sister Diana's family. She's amazing!

Will post again after the 'reunion' and let you know how she held up.

God Bless,


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Today, Lisa, her good friends and The United Church of Christ in Ridgefield, CT sponsored/hosted an event to raise awareness of the need for more people to volunteer to donate blood products needed for transplant purposes. The good news: this event, which was held in Suzie's honor, resulted in 20 new volunteers!

You too can help by logging on to 'Be the Match™' and giving an amazing gift. Go to:

Click on “join the registry”, then on “join now”!
To avoid the standard $52 fee you MUST use Suzie’s promo code: CM579

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Be one to save a life.

As you know, Suzie was diagnosed with myelofibrosis, a chronic malignant blood disorder, in September of 2006. As a result of her disease, she underwent a bone marrow transplant in Augustof 2007. This amazing gift from a then anonymous donor has enabled her to continue her fight and enjoy life with friends and family.

Although Suzie found help, 70% of people in need of a transplant will not go forward because they won't be able to find a matching, but unrelated, donor. With this drive, we want to honor Suzie and her donor by raising awareness of the need and recruiting more potential donors to the Registry. Be the Match™ and give an amazing gift.

Click on “join the registry”, then on “join now”!
To avoid the standard $52 fee you MUST use Suzie’s promo code: CM579

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thought it might be worth a minute to bring everyone up-to-date on Suzie's condition:

* She has been home for one week now and she is growing stronger, slowly, every day.
* Whereas of our focus for the past 2 and 1/2 years has been on her cancer, we have treated her COPD in a secondary manner.
* We now realize that the COPD is as dangerous to her health and well being as the cancer is. This is especially true because she has no immune system and she cannot yet receive any innoculations to protect her.
* She is still weak and uses a walker to get around the house. Knowing her, this will not be the case by the end of the month.
* Going forward we will be as active as we can because she wants to live life and I support her in this. This is the hard one: if anyone we are planning to visit with is ill, please let us know because it will be best if we do not visit with you. Suzie is extremely susceptible to bacteria and viruses and any further damage to her lungs will not be a good for her.

God Bless all of you,
