Thursday, January 14, 2010

The more things change the more they stay the same. Suzie continues getting stronger--she's able to get around the house by holding onto walls and furniture, using the walker only on occasion. She cooked dinner this evening and has spent a lot of time the past few days working on her crafts again, always a good sign. Ironically, GVHD is coming on strong, started this afternoon, which means that doctors will, once again, increase her prednisone. Too much prednisone, in the past, has resulted in diabetic shock, weight loss, less muscle tone, loss of energy and overall weakness. Guess that beats to much GVHD, which could begin attacking vital organs. We'll keep you posted,


Friday, January 8, 2010

Suzie's IgG was still low, 240 when it should at least measure 700, so she spent yesterday receiving another infusion of gamma globulin. Still dependent on walkers and wheel chairs but she's much stronger and more alert than at any time in December. I don't know where she finds the strength but I'm glad she's doing it!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

I've really been worried for the past month because Suzie's been unable to regain her strength and that alone was beginning to depress her. Had her blood drawn to test CBC and IgG levels on Thursday and learned that from a cancer perspective she is holding her own. Samples for IgG had to be sent out for analysis so, given the holidays, we've no idea where she stands here. Nonetheless, another miraculous recovery now appears to be underway. She was a little stronger yesterday and that trend continued into today. Last night, she got the first good night's sleep she's had in well over a month.

Many thanks to everyone because your prayers are helping!
