Sunday, July 26, 2009

Had a little scare Thursday when Suzie's temperature suddenly spiked to 102.4, a fact we did not discover until we were checking into the pulmonary's office. Good news is that her oxygen and carbon dioxide levels checked out OK and her blood levels, from a cancer persepective, still look good. Treated her with levaquin and increased her prednisone to guard against respiratory failure and we were able to have a great visit with Kathi and Don Massey, good friends from GA, from Thursday PM until Saturday AM.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our reunion last week was physically demanding but I'm delighted to report that everything went well and Susie is not suffering any ill effects. In fact, she has moved on and is now busy creating a quilt for a younger friend pregnant with her first child. There are times that I wish I had her energy!