Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just when you thought....

Suzie and I have had a marvelous 8-9 month period where she was in remission and we were really able to get out and enjoy life. Most recently, we traveled to Atlanta to visit with Dave and his family and to participate in Gwinnett County's Relay for life. This is a huge fund raiser for the American Cancer Society with Gwinnett County's being the country's largest. (These fundraisers, Rebecca, Cindy, fellow teachers and all the students are phenomenal!) Suzie walked the 'Survivor's' Lap, a very emotional undertaking, and did herself proud. From there, we journeyed to Savannah, Charleston, Parris Island and Beafort and celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary with her sister Diana and her husband Jeff.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, Suzie managed to acquire a new infection which resulted in an acute COPD event. She was inhaling enough oxygen but her lungs were not ventilating properly and she was not exhaling enough carbon dioxide. This resulted in a loss of strength and energy and made it almost impossible for her to breathe in. Long story short, we went to the emergency room this morning and she was admitted to the critical care unit where she will remain until they can remedy the situation. Please keep her in your prayers!


1 comment:

Annie said...

To the Frank and extended family...thinking of you and will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.