Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Be one to save a life.

As you know, Suzie was diagnosed with myelofibrosis, a chronic malignant blood disorder, in September of 2006. As a result of her disease, she underwent a bone marrow transplant in Augustof 2007. This amazing gift from a then anonymous donor has enabled her to continue her fight and enjoy life with friends and family.

Although Suzie found help, 70% of people in need of a transplant will not go forward because they won't be able to find a matching, but unrelated, donor. With this drive, we want to honor Suzie and her donor by raising awareness of the need and recruiting more potential donors to the Registry. Be the Match™ and give an amazing gift.


Click on “join the registry”, then on “join now”!
To avoid the standard $52 fee you MUST use Suzie’s promo code: CM579

1 comment:

Lisa F said...

If you have ordered your kit as a result of this blog posting, please let me know! I'd love to keep a tally to share with the Be the Match coordinator! And if you did - THANK YOU! I can't share enough what a blessing Bruce has been to our family.